Cut the tenderloin in two thick slices, season with pepper and sear it on preheated the grill or ina pan
Sometimes time is limited, but to get through the day with energy, you need food that will satisfy your hunger but that you can prepare quickly, with little hassle. Here are our suggestions for quick recipes.
Cut the tenderloin in two thick slices, season with pepper and sear it on preheated the grill or ina pan
Heat a little oil in a saucepan and fry the ground beef until nicely browned, add the finely chopped onion and garlic
Beef is gently tamped with kitchen towels, the tendons are removed with a sharp knife, the beef is massaged vigorously
Wash the wild rice well, drain, and when the water boils, put it in water, along with the salt and saffron. Let them boil
In a pan, heat a little oil and roast the pieces of beef for 2 minutes on each side. Turn them on both sides twice. Before
Remove the cold burgers from the fridge before cooking and leave for a few minutes at room temperature
Preparation mode: Place the meatballs on the heated grill, after you have pressed a shallow
Mix the garlic and peel with olive oil, then wrap them in an aluminum
Coat the steak with olive oil and put it aside while you mix the garlic