As its name suggests, this technique involves placing the beef away from the flame. The easiest solution
If you too are wondering how to cook the Angus beef you just bought, below are cooking techniques suitable for this type of meat. Each technique below will help you choose the right cooking method for your chosen cut to get that tender, flavorful meat you want on your plate.
As its name suggests, this technique involves placing the beef away from the flame. The easiest solution
Follow these five simple steps for success: 1. Prepare the grill so it is
The French word for frying in a pot is braising. In this method, first fry the meat in a little olive oil until
Larger or thicker pieces are best for roasting. Although it takes longer, roasting is the
Stewing is similar to braising, but the beef is cut in smaller pieces and boiled in more liquid. For this type of cooking
Through this cooking method you can improve the appearance and flavour of beef. This is browned
Whether using a wok, pot or pan, sautéing is a fast cooking method with a
In order for the BEEF to be as tasty as possible it is preferable to cut the beef in small pieces. Beef should be cooked