Grilled Angus beef is one of the healthiest methods of savouring beef, whether you are using gas or coal grill. It would be good for one side of the grill to be hotter, and the other one cooler. First you put the beef on the hotter side, and once the crust is formed, you move it on the cooler side. Do not pierce the beef with fork or knife while cooking. You can grill beef fast, slowly, or very slowly. A fast grill of beef means grilling by direct intense heat (200 °C la 260 °C), usually for steaks, until brown on surface and rare to well-done, on the inside. Slow and indirect heat grill (150 °C to 200 °C) are achieved when the gas is turned off on one side, or the coals are hanging to one side, and the lid is on. This method is used for large pieces of beef such as steaks. Grilling is an alternative frying method, but at lower temperatures (120 °C to 150 °C).