How do you choose meat for grilling?

How do you choose meat for grilling?

“We grab the bull by the horns” and bring up a topic of great interest for barbecue enthusiasts: pork vs. beef.

Grilled meat is extremely popular, understandably so, as it is not only the most delicious but also the easiest to cook. But what to choose?

Pork is the most common option in our country, known to everyone. And beef has only recently become popular in our area, being just as easy to cook (if not easier) and equally tasty.

Here are some details to help you with future choices for delicious, healthy, easy-to-cook, and… unforgettable barbecues!

The term “steak” has its roots in the 15th century in Scandinavia, derived from the term “steik,” describing a thick slice of meat. Although the name has Nordic origins, Italy is the country where the grill took the form we now know.

Not only in our country but also globally, although there are many types of meats that can be grilled, pork and beef are the main rivals. The first important note in this comparison is that the term “steak” describes a piece of beef, grilled. In foreign menus, grilled pork is called “chops.”


Comparison: Nutrition, Cost, Variety, and Accessibility

Nutrition: Beef is rich in high-quality proteins, iron, and vitamins, while pork contains more fats and B vitamins.

Cost: Pork is generally more financially accessible, while beef, considered higher quality, can be more expensive.

Variety of Cuts: Both pork and beef offer a varied range of cuts, from juicy steaks to delicious chops. Both can be cooked in various ways, from the simplest grills to complex recipes.

Accessibility: Pork is easy to find in any supermarkets and stores, though its origin is not always known. Beef requires a more careful search and can be purchased from local producers or butcher shops.


🐄 Ideal Beef Breeds for Grilling:

Among the cattle breeds appreciated for the quality of their grilling beef are Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, and Wagyu. These breeds are distinguished by superior marbling of the beef, rich and succulent taste.

🐖 Ideal pig breeds for grilling:

For those who prefer pork grilling, Mangalitsa, Duroc, and Berkshire pig breeds are among the best choices. These breeds stand out for their high fat content infiltrated in the meat and intense flavor.